Waves on the Turquoise Lake:

Contemporary Expressions of Tibetan Art

Art Museum, University of Colorado at Boulder.

September 14th - October 20th, 2006


A joint project of the CU Art Museum and Mechak Center for Contemporary Tibetan Art




The exhibition and symposium Waves on the Turquoise Lake: Contemporary Expressions of Tibetan Art is the first major museum exhibition to bring together contemporary Tibetan artists working both inside and outside Tibet.  Featuring works by Benchung, Dedron, Namgyal Dorjee, Gade, Gonkar Gyatso, Losang Gyatso, Jhamsang, Kesang Lamdark, Nortse, Tsering Nyandak, Karma Phuntsok, Shelka, Samchung, Sodhon, Tenzin Rigdol, Tsewang Tashi and Migmar Wangdu the exhibition highlights the emerging movement of contemporary Tibetan art as it appears in Tibetan communities across the globe. From re-interpretations of Tibetan Buddhist religious scroll paintings (thangkas) to digital and installation art, contemporary Tibetan artists explore issues of tradition versus modernity, cultural hybridity, and personal identity through a diverse range of media and perspectives. The exhibition features works that address the complexity of the Tibetan diaspora experience and includes Tibetan artists from Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, India, as well as artists from Tibet. Artworks on view also address current transformations within Tibet such as the recent coming of the first train to Lhasa, the environmental challenges posed by ongoing land development, and the increased influence of new communication media, such as film, television and the internet. Artworks that poignantly reconfigure traditional Tibetan painting techniques, icons, and spiritual imagery are also featured within the diverse selection highlighted in the exhibition.


Opening Reception

: Thursday, September 14th, 6-8pm

CU Art Museum, located inside the Sibell Wolle Fine Arts building, near

Euclid and Broadway on the University of Colorado campus.

MUSEUM HOURS:  Monday- Friday:  10am-5pm

                                    Tuesday:  10am-7pm

                                    Saturday:  12pm-4pm

                                    Phone: (303) 492-8300 Web: External link opens in new tab or windowhttp://www.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum


Related Waves on the Turquoise Lake  Symposium

Saturday, September 30th, 2006 10am - 4:30pm

Sibell Wolle Fine Art Building, Room N141. University of Colorado at Boulder

Artist Reception

to follow the symposium in the CU Art Museum


The symposium will feature panel discussions and artist presentations addressing the work on view and the cultural and aesthetic issues raised by the exhibition.

Symposium participants scheduled to appear include:

Dina Bangdel. Assistant Professor of Art History, Virginia Commonwealth University

Lisa Tamiris Becker, Director, CU Art Museum

Gonkar Gyatso , Artist and Founder of Sweet Tea House Gallery, London, England

Losang Gyatso, Artist and Director of Mechak Center for Contemporary Tibetan Art, Boulder, Colorado

Kesang Lamdark, Artist, Zurich, Switzerland

Charlene Makley, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Reed College

Carole McGranahan, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado at Boulder

Nortse, Artist. Lhasa, Tibetan Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China

Tsering Nyandak, Artist, Lhasa, Tibetan Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China

Losang Rabgey, Director, Machik Inc., Washington, D.C.

Tenzin Rigdol , Artist, Denver, Colorado

Tamar Victoria Scoggin, Curator, Mechak Center for Contemporary Tibetan Art, Boulder, Colorado

Tsering W. Shakya, Canada Research Chair in Religion and Contemporary Society in Asia, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,

Sodhon,Artist, Dharamsala, India

Visit External link opens in new tab or windowwww.colorado.edu/cuartmuseum for more information about the CU Art Museum

Contact: Lisa Tamiris Becker, Director, CU Art Museum, for more information 303-492-8003 or lisa.becker@colorado.edu