Drawing the interiors of City of London churches
Altar and pulpit, St Stephen's, Walbrook (Pen and Ink)
St Paul's Cathedral #1 (Coloured Pencil)
St Paul's Cathedral #2 (Pencil)
St Pauls Cathedral #3 (Pencil)
St Bartholomew the Less, Barts Hospital (Pencil)
Altar and pulpit, St Stephen's, Walbrook (Pen and Ink)
St Paul's Cathedral #1 (Coloured Pencil)
click on a thumbnail to see a larger image or a slideshow
I started drawing the interiors of churches in the City of London in the Autumn of 2005. Initially as part of a project to "Draw the Bigger Inner Space" which focused on the interior of St Paul's Cathdral.
Information about the churches in the City of London can be found at http://www.cityoflondonchurches.com/ which has an excellent map and a whole page devoted to each church. Here are the links to churches I've drawn so far:
St Paul's Cathedral - Drawings of St Pauls Cathedral are executed on Fabriano Artistico cut from a roll to make a support larger than a normal sketchbook.
St Stephen, Walbrook (which is supposed to have the most beautiful interior of all Wren's chruches) and
St Bartholomew the Less (the church serving Barts Hospital - the oldest hospital in England).
All other drawings are a double page spread (A3 size) across an A4 size Daler Rowney hardback black sketchbook.
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