WHTT Violent Crime
As education and equal opportunity to achieve improve for all people, the level of violent crime would diminish. People who are properly educated and motivated become more socially responsible. Educated people also have more opportunities and alternatives to crime, and correspondingly more to lose if they are convicted for committing a crime. The police force would be much more efficient in a low crime environment, so the few uneducated people who might commit a violent crime could be easily captured and incarcerated. This reduction in crime would translate into an immense financial savings as society could dramatically reduce its expenditures for police force, criminal prosecution system, and prison complexes.
Even more important than the financial savings is the fact that almost all children would have the opportunity for a healthier and happier childhood and a more productive adult life. Proper parental supervision would guide children away from criminal activities, and peer groups would quickly become more supportive of positive values. Children who are taught to be honest and hard working will become adults who are honest and hard working. Everyone in society will reap the rewards that flow from the security of a very low crime environment.
Email the author: Optmst@Gmail.Com