WHTT Welfare
Eliminate the Need for Welfare
By requiring all potential parents to complete a public education and by insisting on a full measure of parental responsibility, society will, within a generation, transform the current inner city ghettos into thriving, growing, and renewing enterprise zones, and will dramatically improve the education in every school system in the country. But there will also do much more than that. Within a generation, these proposals will dramatically reduce, perhaps even eliminate, the welfare system that has expanded out of control over the last few decades. Most of the welfare recipients are uneducated parents whose children will also be forced, by their parents' inability to communicate positive values and by their peer group's negative view of education, to be uneducated parents on welfare themselves. This plan will effectively and realistically break the repetitive welfare cycle by insuring that all parents have sufficient education to protect the natural rights of their children to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and an equal opportunity to achieve.
Email the author: Optmst@Gmail.Com