Joyful Creation!
Ditch Road, Summer", Pastel Society of Colorado award winning painting in the 2007
Thompson Valley (Colorado) Artists Association all media show.
"Hohnholz Barn" ( plein air pastel)
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20
Rawah #1, Rawah Wilderness Area, northern Colorado

"My passion for painting has everything to do with my wonder of, and appreciation for, God's amazing creation. Watching a spectacular prairie sunset or a soft mountain meadow sunrise, observing my horses grazing in a sun-drenched field of grass, or riding up a sagebrush covered hill....all of this inspires me to try to capture these fleeting moments. I'm fortunate to live in the mountains along the Colorado/Wyoming border, and blessed to be able to witness on a daily basis the ever-changing hues of nature. I want to use beautiful bits of color to convey the beauty I see around me. This is a desire I truly feel is God-given."
"The West is changing rapidly, and much of the "cowboy culture" that I have witnessed in my lifetime is gone. I'm fortunate to live in ranching country, where cattle and horses are still plentiful. I have a desire to record as much of it as possible before this culture completely passes into history. This pastel of the old Hohnholz Barn was done from a plein air sketch."