We would be pleased to take your fingerprints for you at our home office in Cambridge as noted below. Please call ahead and arrange an appointment with us. We offer a friendly environment and will try our best to arrange an appointment for you at a mutually agreeable time.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Our office is no longer open on weekends. Since we are in and out of the office we operate only by appointment so please call ahead as appointments fill up quite quickly. Payment of fees are in cash only as we are not set up for credit or debit.
As per the RCMP Website instructions
Please have your fingerprints taken in the country you now reside by your local police agency or accredited civilian fingerprint agency there. The prints must include your four fingers and thumb of each hand taken together along with rolled fingerprints (nail to nail) of each finger and thumb of your right and left hand. The official taking the fingerprints must sign and identify him or herself by name, rank or position. You must sign the fingerprint document as well. Once this is done please send these original fingerprints (not a copy) direct to us by mail, courier, or best method possible to the address indicated below in Canada. Once we have received your fingerprints, we will have your fingerprints scanned (digitized) by ClearNeed Information Systems. Your prints will be scanned and sent to the RCMP. If you have no criminal record in Canada the results will be mailed to you direct to your indicated address within a week to two weeks time. Should you on the other hand have a criminal record in Canada, the process may take upwards of a 120 days to come back as the RCMP must do their checks offline.
Should you wish that the results be sent to a third party, We can do this for you as well. This requires you to complete an additional waiver form that we would need and can send to you. Do not forget to have your fingerprint person enter your Right Thumbprint on the Waiver form.
When you send the prints to us, we will need to know the following information as well: Your Height, weight, colour of eyes, and hair, Purpose for fingerprints being taken, and your occupation and employer's name and your telephone number.
We can send you a copy of the RCMP Fingerprint form C216-C which must be printed on 8 1/2" X 14" legal size paper. We have found that this paper is difficult to obtain outside of North America and we note that the FBI FD-258 fingerprint Form which may be printed in standard size 8 1/2" X 11" Paper or A4 paper works very well instead. We can send you a copy of the FBI form as well if you wish. Either of these documents are acceptable or if the fingerprint Form in the country you now reside is similar, that will do as well. Should you wish a third party to receive the fingerprint results you must complete the waiver form and sign it and have the fingerprint official imprint preferably your right thumb on this document as well. If you have further question just email or call us as indicated below:
OTS Services
Telephone: 1888-609-4414 or 519-362-6874
Email: otsprints2020@gmail.com
Website: http://le.sitekreator.com/ots