Homegrown potatoes - easy as...

To prepare the ground for planting, use a base dressing of balanced potato food,

about a handful per square metre.

Plant them roughly half depth of a spade and 30-40cm apart.

Mound up the soil from both sides.

This protects potatoes from exposure to light and encourages longer growth for better cropping.
There are a number of different varieties of potatoes in 3 main categories - early crop - early to main crop - main crop.

The 1st early potatoes mature in around 60 days, the 2nd early around 90 days,

the 2nd early/main crops are around 80 to 90 days and main crops are 90 to 120 days.

The first early potatoes are to be used as early ones meaning they don't "keep" for a long period.

Dig them fresh from the ground and enjoy new potatoes.
Main crop potatoes can be left in the ground longer and if you work plantings right, you can have potatoes for use right through winter till next seasons planting.
If you are limited for space you can plan so that you have a crop of early potatoes and once you have harvested you can then plant a main crop.
Other ways to grow potatoes in small areas are in bags, buckets, tyres and even bales of straw.

Talk to Portstone staff to discuss all options available or view the list below.