General Blood and Rh-Negative Information
Welcome to the Rh-Negative Registry! While the main objective of this site is the Rh- Registry, we would also like to give you the opportunity to learn more about human blood types, associated genetic conditions and complications of incompatibility. While the scientific and medical communities have taught us everything we know about the human body; there is still much to learn. Here are some basics to get you started on your own personal journey of knowledge and self education.
There are eight recognized blood types, they are A, B, AB and O Positives (Rh+) and their negative (Rh-) counterparts; A-, B-, AB- and O-. First, we will see how our individual Blood Type "Letter" is directly determined by the blood types of both of our parents. Next, we will see how the Rh "Factor" we inherit then fits in, to create the other four (Rh-) negative blood types.
We all have 1 Blood Type, but we all carry 2 individual blood type "letters". The Inheritance Rule says that each parent must give one of their blood type "letters" to each of their children. As a result, we get our blood type directly from both of our parents! Want to learn more? Visit the Blood Types and Rh-Negative 101 page.
We are often told...
"It's not important to your daily health"
While I do not completely agree with that statement or the following quote entirely, it does seem to bring merit to my theory that there is a connection associated between the Rh-Negative Bloodlines, the HLA-B27 Genetic Marker and Autoimmune Conditions.
According to an one article, a doctor was quoted as saying the following. "Only 7% of the US population tests positive for the HLA-B27 gene; This gene, found in only in persons with Rh-neg blood, can trigger the immune system to operate overtime at WARP SPEED in times of medical emergency. HLA-B27 can cause rheumatic problems, like arthritis. It also is the #1 trigger of a condition called "Ankylosing Spondilitis." Randall Johnson at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston was quoted as saying "that if you have the HLA-B27 gene, you cannot ever contract the AIDS virus even if you're exposed to it." "Carriers of the HLA-B27 gene do not have the right kind of proteins in the body for the virus to bind with." Read the full article here.
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Find out about other associated HLA-B27 health conditions or symptoms. Most people think this is an issue that only women face, it is genetic and nondiscriminatory. Recent medical and scientific research studies show a genetic connection between HLA-B27 and issues such as; Vasculitis, Penile Curvature, Autism and more. There are over 100 associated diseases, as well as, theories on the associated triggers, causes and treatments. Find links to Medical Studies, Rh Distribution in Diseases, Associated Conditions and Support Groups in our new Member's Only Pages.
Similar to the Western world's astrology, it's a popular belief in Japan that a person's individual blood type or ketsueki-gata, is predictive of their personality, temperament, and compatibility with others. Again like astrology in the US, the theory may be completely dismissed by some scientists as superstition or pseudoscience. Click here to find your blood type and see if it does describe your personality!
Rh-Negative Pregnancy?
About 15% of the population have an Rh-Factor that can cause some very serious complications during a non-compatible pregnancy. Complications may include Jaundice, Cerebral Palsy, Erythroblastosis fetalis and Hemolytic disease of the newborn, resulting in still birth or death shorthly after delivery. The Rh- Factor is important when you are carrying a child who is Rh-Positive (Rh+), like the other parent.
Learn more about the Rh-negative(Rh-) factor; your risk, the many treatment & testing options, as well as current research being done on the Rh-Mother & Pregnancy Page.

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From Religious inference to Ancient Astronaut DNA manipulation; there are many myths, theories, historical translations and scientific studies that suggest where the Rh- Factor entered the DNA of humans.
- People with the Rh- Factor account for only 15% of the entire United States population, and said to be less in the total world's population. When broken down further between the A, B, AB and O blood types, it becomes even more individually rare.
- Only 6% of the US Population is Type A-
- Only 1% of the US Population is Type B-
- Only 1% of the US Population is Type AB-
- Only 7% of the US Population is Type O-
While Type O-Negative blood accounts for only 7% of the United State's Population, it is considered to be the NEW Universal Donor - Blood Type; that can and is being used for 100% of the population, as the quick fix. The supply is very limited!
Scientific research has lead to the belief that is in an anomaly, not of earthly origin or caused by a species cross breeding. This is because the Rh- factor does not occur in any other primate on the planet. The only time science has seen the Rh- Factor is when they crossbred a horse and a donkey to create a mule. The mule was born sterile and carried the Rh- Factor. While Rh- woman are not "sterile" in general, without medical intervention or only mating with an Rh- males, would often result in Rhesus Disease and may cause the newborn to be still born or die shortly after delivery.
To learn more about the different theories of origin behind the Rh- Negative Blood Factor, please click here. If you are Rh-negative and pregnant, learn more about your options by clicking here. Science is also making advances. You can visit the Rh-Medical Research & Studies page.
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Two Rh+ people CAN have an
Rh- baby if BOTH parents carry the
RECESSIVE Rh-Negative Factor!