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Do You Have a Rh-Negative Blood Type?
Only 15% of the World's Population has Rh Negative Blood! In the event of an Accident, Illness, Emergency, Operation or even worse a Mass Catastophy; Rh Negative Patients are at the HIGHEST RISK of not having a Matching Blood Donor Available.
Rh Negative Blood CANNOT be cloned like Rh Positive Blood, meaning our supply is limited to us!
If you have Rh Negative Blood and would be willing to donate to a person in need or would like the comfort of knowing where to find a donor when you are in need, please join the Registry. In the event that you or another person with Rh Negative Blood is in need of a blood donation; we will email, text or call the people who can help in that area. You can choose whether or not to you can fill the donation need.
PLEASE NOTE: To anyone who has reservations about joining the Registry. All children born in the US are subject to certain genetic testing at birth. Depending on the state you were born in, will determine the amount of time your DNA information is kept on file. States like California and Florida keep it on file indefinitely. You can find out more about each states handling of this DNA storage process by
clicking here.
However, bottom line is: Someone already knows. Please join me and other members as we bring light to this important genetic anomaly that makes us rare.
Members welcome from ANYWHERE in the World!
Privacy Policy
Your information is Private and you will NEVER be solicited or contacted for any reason; other than to alert you to the need of a fellow registry member. In the event of the need for a donor we will contact, by preferred method; all Registry Members of the same Negative Blood Type near that persons location. Registry Members in that area who are willing and able to make a donation can reply to our notification, so we can assist in making the correct blood donors aware and available. Your information will NOT be shared with each other or anybody else, all contact will be made 3rd party by the Rh Negative Registry to protect your information.