Written For Friends and Artists
For 20+ years, I've watched the development of artist Mollie Kellogg, whose power as an artist and image maker has continued to expand, year by year.
Mollie resides in San Diego. Her latest series, portraits of "powerful" women represents the latest in a long line of breakthroughs. Mollie always had the chops. What's new is the development of her vision. Pretty has been replaced with powerful, arresting, magical images. They are mere canvas and paint, but by God, they live. They have a heart-beat. They are masterful. Mollie Kellogg is a Master.
Please visit her website,
Why Paint Portraits?
As a professional writer and former PR copywriter, I am periodically asked to write things for people I know. Typically, this requires me to put myself in that person's shoes and describe the world accordingly. This brief proposal was written in on behalf of a friend, Clint Hobart, whose personal approach to portrait painting is emphasizes naturalism spiced with more than a hint of a young Thomas Hart Benton.
Clint's work can be found at
My good friend -- my closest, dearest friend -- George, asked me to write something that he could use to introduce himself to the art world. As it happens, I think that George is the most vital, interesting, creative, technologically savvy and energetic artist and entrepreneur I've ever met. I don't trust his math when it comes to splitting up the tab at dinner, but otherwise, I trust him completely. Anyway, he never used this letter. But his work just keeps getting better. How is it that only a few people know about this incredibly productive artist? His drawing is remarkable. His images are iconic. I'm envious.
I have included one of his drawings in ArtGAB.
One of his websites is
Letter in Defense of Professor William Girard, addressed to the Dean of the Center for Creative Studies
Introducing My CPA, The Artist and Entrepreneur, George Caramanna